What is the politically correct term for caregiver?

Next Avenue uses the word caregiver, as do all major care organizations. However, all the advisory councils I have participated in begin their work with a debate on terminology. Beyond the recognition that not all clients or prospective clients prefer a caregiver, one practical reason is that services for people who care for an elderly, disabled, or sick person will find help, if any, under the rubric of resources or supports for caregivers. The Red Cross has detailed 12 rights of caregivers that are important to reflect on and that are valid for anyone who cares for a dependent family member or loved one.

The terms “little people” and “little person” refer to people of short stature and have come into common use since the founding of the Little People of America organization in 1957. Avoid using terms such as “has” or “has” in connection with the condition. However, some people don't like the terms because they imply that those who die simply didn't fight hard enough. The style manual suggests using terms such as “mentally handicapped”, “intellectually disabled” and “developmentally disabled”. In addition, according to NOAH, the term albino has been used throughout history in an odious way; therefore, many prefer the term “person with albinism”, which puts people first.

In some countries, progress has been made towards recognizing caregivers and implementing policies to support them, but challenges persist both in terms of ensuring coherence in all contexts and shaping positive outcomes for caregivers. The terms “depressed”, “depressing” and “depressive” are acceptable in other contexts when the person being referred to does not have a medically diagnosed condition. According to the Center for Research and Training on Independent Living at the University of Kansas, “not disabled” is the preferred term when the context requires a comparison between people with disabilities and those without disabilities. If that's not possible, ask a spokesperson for the organization to represent the disability in question what the preferred terminology is.

When referring to legislation whose name includes “death with dignity”, right to die, or similar terms, say that the law or proposal allows “terminally ill people to end their own lives.” Avoid the terms “alcoholic”, “addict”, “consumer” and “abuser”, unless people prefer those terms for themselves or they appear in quotation marks or names of organizations, such as Alcoholics Anonymous. It fits the AP style, which adds that, when describing groups of people, or when individual preferences cannot be determined, use language that prioritizes the person. The term “high-functioning autism” is widely used, but it's not a medical diagnosis, and many they consider it offensive. Some organizations suggest avoiding the terms “demented”, “demented”, “senile” or “senility” when referring to a person with dementia.

Groups of people with disabilities have always used terms that give priority to identity, specifically in the case of the cultural deaf community and the community that defends the rights of autistic people...

Steve Leinen
Steve Leinen

Typical bacon evangelist. Evil web advocate. Hipster-friendly thinker. Wannabe pop culture buff. Typical travel guru. Proud food specialist.

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