Who to contact if worried about an elderly person?

The Division of Senior and Adult Services is responsible for planning, managing, coordinating and evaluating activities and programs for older adults, overseeing the Governor's Advisory Council. Home health care services, including Elderly Care in Norwalk CT, may include home nursing care to help a person recover from surgery, accident, or illness. If the person has just left the hospital and is still in need of nursing care at home for a short period of time, the hospital can help arrange for the hiring of a home health assistant. Home health services can also help control long-term (chronic) diseases, such as diabetes, for example, by testing a person's blood sugar level or administering insulin through a pump. If there's no response when you knock on the door, contact friends, family, or familiar neighbors.

If these steps aren't helpful, the last step is to call the police. All police departments have their standard emergency line (91) and a non-emergency phone number, which will be specific to your area. If you think someone is in immediate danger and is endangering their life, don't hesitate to call 911 and explain the situation. All of these interim measures can help improve an older person's quality of life and may be all that is needed to overcome any obstacles that concern them.

You may have worried about bruising on an older person or have had multiple falls that you have seen or heard of. While this may be a normal part of aging, an older family member may worry if you've noticed a dramatic change in how much or even what you eat. If you're worried about an older family member, you probably know them well and can detect any changes in their behavior. In situations where you believe that an elderly person is being physically abused and needs help, it is advisable to call the police. In cases where you're worried that an elderly neighbor or even a family member won't accept help, you can contact your local council and raise a concern with an adult about protecting the protection.

Knowing that they're safe and well cared for can be the best way to help you when you're worried about an older person. A serious fall can be the forerunner of a deterioration in an older person's health, or it can be a symptom of an existing condition. It's not an immediate sign of dementia or other serious illness, but it's a warning that an older person needs to see a doctor. An older person's failure to eat can be a warning sign and a sign that they now need extra help to perform essential tasks. The Eldercare Locator can help you find resources in your area, such as home help and transportation, and can provide you with information about paying for care.

Knowing when to call to check an older person's social assistance can be a challenge, and much of this choice depends on how well the get to know. For example, a friendly neighbor may now ignore you, or your elderly grandfather may suddenly be frivolous with money. A very typical sign to look out for when you're worried about a neighbor or an elderly relative is if they have more trouble getting around than before. If an elderly family member forgets to take any medication, they may just need a pill box with simple daily reminders or even a smart speaker to give them a boost each day.

With the person's permission, you can get in touch with people who see them regularly (neighbors, friends, doctors or family members in the area), for example, and ask them to call you if you have any questions.

Steve Leinen
Steve Leinen

Typical bacon evangelist. Evil web advocate. Hipster-friendly thinker. Wannabe pop culture buff. Typical travel guru. Proud food specialist.

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